Delivery terms
Indicate on your order clearly: your name, address and phone number (which will be your customer number), number of articles and in some cases, measurements and clothing size.
Prices are inclusive of VAT. Shipping will be added.
Payment is proforma.
Damage in transit, please report immediately to us and report to the driver upon delivery.
Unclaimed packages. We reserve the right to charge you for return shipping.
Return Policy. If you would regret your purchase, you have 14 days return policy. Ship / return shipping will be added. Please contact us before return.
Complaints. Have you got a wrongly supplied or damaged goods, please notify us within 10 days. Complaints will not be accepted later than this.
Right to exchange. If you need to change to a different size, you will pay for the return shipping. Please contact us before return.
Right to minor deviations from the text and illustrations reserved. Adjustment of prices may occur.